I am trying to create a copy of a worksheet called TEMPLET & name th
new worksheet a month end date like 63005.
I am having trouble getting the code to loop until a unique name (mont
end date) is entered in the input box.
The code loops correctly as long as there is a duplication, but stop
when a unique name (month end date) is entered.
My current code is below, but I have tried loop variations with n
success. Any ideas?
Thanks a million,
Sub createworksheet()
Dim monthenddate As String
Dim monthendname As String
monthenddate = Application.InputBox("Enter month end dat
ex-08-31-05: ")
monthendname = Replace(monthenddate, "-", "")
If monthenddate = "" Then GoTo done
If monthendname = Sheets(monthendname).Name Then
monthenddate = Application.InputBox("A worksheet aready exists fo
" & monthendname & ", enter a different date or cancel ex-08-31-05: ")
monthendname = Replace(monthenddate, "-", "")
If monthenddate = "" Then GoTo done
End If
If monthendname = Sheets(monthendname).Name Then GoTo duped
Sheets("Templet").Copy Before:=Sheets(1)
Sheets("Templet (2)").Name = monthendname
Sheets(monthendname).Range("H1") = monthenddate
End Su
new worksheet a month end date like 63005.
I am having trouble getting the code to loop until a unique name (mont
end date) is entered in the input box.
The code loops correctly as long as there is a duplication, but stop
when a unique name (month end date) is entered.
My current code is below, but I have tried loop variations with n
success. Any ideas?
Thanks a million,
Sub createworksheet()
Dim monthenddate As String
Dim monthendname As String
monthenddate = Application.InputBox("Enter month end dat
ex-08-31-05: ")
monthendname = Replace(monthenddate, "-", "")
If monthenddate = "" Then GoTo done
If monthendname = Sheets(monthendname).Name Then
monthenddate = Application.InputBox("A worksheet aready exists fo
" & monthendname & ", enter a different date or cancel ex-08-31-05: ")
monthendname = Replace(monthenddate, "-", "")
If monthenddate = "" Then GoTo done
End If
If monthendname = Sheets(monthendname).Name Then GoTo duped
Sheets("Templet").Copy Before:=Sheets(1)
Sheets("Templet (2)").Name = monthendname
Sheets(monthendname).Range("H1") = monthenddate
End Su