I currently have a loop that pulls data out of a horribly formatted report
and places it into column B without any blank cells between each client. I
have a second loop that pulls a momentary amount of the same report. They
are both below.
Sub pullclient()
Dim roe As Long
Dim roe2 As Long
roe = 1
roe2 = 2
Do Until Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1).Value Like "*END OF REPORT*"
If Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1).Value Like "*CLIENT: *" Then
x = InStr(Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1).Value, "CLIENT: ")
Sheet1.Cells(roe2, 2) = Mid(Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1).Value, x + 9, 6)
roe2 = roe2 + 1
End If
roe = roe + 1
End Sub
Sub pullagency()
Dim roe As Long
Dim roe2 As Long
roe = 1
roe2 = 2
Do Until Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1).Value Like "*END OF REPORT*"
If Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1).Value Like "*Paid Direct*" Then
Sheet1.Cells(roe2, 3) = Trim(Right(Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1), 10))
roe2 = roe2 + 1
End If
roe = roe + 1
End Sub
Basic Report Format
kdjflajdCLIENT: lfjasdlfjaf
df Paid Direct lkjdfas
CLIENT: fdkfjadf
CLIENT: ljlfkjadsf
The problem that arises is that it will find the a viable client number 2000
times. It will only find the monetary amount 1800 times. When it moves the
information into columns B & C they don't necessarily match up. As shown
above there isn't always a Paid Direct amount after each Client. What I need
to happen is that after it finds the Client it loops till it finds a Paid
Direct amount and move it or stops when it finds another set of Client
Hope that makes sense.
and places it into column B without any blank cells between each client. I
have a second loop that pulls a momentary amount of the same report. They
are both below.
Sub pullclient()
Dim roe As Long
Dim roe2 As Long
roe = 1
roe2 = 2
Do Until Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1).Value Like "*END OF REPORT*"
If Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1).Value Like "*CLIENT: *" Then
x = InStr(Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1).Value, "CLIENT: ")
Sheet1.Cells(roe2, 2) = Mid(Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1).Value, x + 9, 6)
roe2 = roe2 + 1
End If
roe = roe + 1
End Sub
Sub pullagency()
Dim roe As Long
Dim roe2 As Long
roe = 1
roe2 = 2
Do Until Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1).Value Like "*END OF REPORT*"
If Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1).Value Like "*Paid Direct*" Then
Sheet1.Cells(roe2, 3) = Trim(Right(Sheet1.Cells(roe, 1), 10))
roe2 = roe2 + 1
End If
roe = roe + 1
End Sub
Basic Report Format
kdjflajdCLIENT: lfjasdlfjaf
df Paid Direct lkjdfas
CLIENT: fdkfjadf
CLIENT: ljlfkjadsf
The problem that arises is that it will find the a viable client number 2000
times. It will only find the monetary amount 1800 times. When it moves the
information into columns B & C they don't necessarily match up. As shown
above there isn't always a Paid Direct amount after each Client. What I need
to happen is that after it finds the Client it loops till it finds a Paid
Direct amount and move it or stops when it finds another set of Client
Hope that makes sense.