"Looping" a song in PP presentation



I've inserted the song I'd like to play throughout my entire presentation,
but it only plays in the 1st slide, then quits. The sound icon shows up dead
center of the 1st slide and even tho I clicked on the 'hide sound icon'
Another problem is that the presentation will not advance automatically... I
have to use the mouse click to advance. I am new to Powerpoint, so its very
possible I'm not understanding something and am doing it wrong. Also, I am
using the Free downloaded trial version, so perhaps that is the problem. I'd
be grateful for any insight or suggestions. Thanks


Well, I dowloaded the add-in from the link you provided and I also watched (&
followed) the demonstration on the same page, to no avail. I did it several
times to make sure I wasn't missing a step, but the music only plays in the
1st frame and it will not advance automatically. The others advance fine. I
even converted the MP3 file to a WAV and inserted it that way! I also made
sure there were no other sounds inserted on each slide, so that cant be the
problem. Could it be a problem w/ Vista or maybe my firewall? I checked for
updates within Office and Vista and am assured that all updates are current.
I see where others seem to be having the same problems as well. Any further
suggestions??? I'm wondering if I should uninstall this trial version and
just install my older Office version? Thanks again so much


Sorry that I havent been able to reply sooner. I had a heck of a time getting
back here and signing in. But thank you... your advice worked. I had your 1st
2 steps done already but I think it was # 3 that finally got it to work.
Anyway, it's working perfectly... just the way I wanted it. So thanks again
for all your help Michael.

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