Losing Auto-correct definitions


Mike Fletcher

On a regular basis I lose my auto-correct definitions in Word (using Office
2003 but it also happened with 2000) re-entering them is a pain to say the
least. I would like to prevent it happening or alternatively back up the
file regularly so I can then replace the new faulty one when it decides to
do this. Any suggestions as to what causes it or how to provide the back-up?
The only file I can see as being affected when I add a new definition is
..pf file.


Michael Fletcher CGA is a Consultant, Speaker and Trainer who mitigates your
risks through effective Due Diligence. He trains government staff and
individual entrepreneurs how to evaluate a project, organization or program
to ensure their business viability as well as match them with client
criteria. Clients of all kinds tap into his wisdom gained from 25 years of
in-the-trenches experience

Diligentia Consulting

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