Losing Changes to Menus / Toolbars


John E.

When I change menus / toolbars (adding new commands /
icons), the changes are LOST when I exit Excel. Do I have
to take special steps to save these new settings? Is
there a startup configuration file that's overwriting my
changes? Thanks for the help...



A couple hours ago I posted a similar question in the "Excel General Questions" newsgroup. Below I'll repeat the problem I'm having. I don't think my system has ever behaved like this before, but I notice my laptop is doing the same thing as my floor standing (desktop) system. In my post I asked the question if I could be having the problem because of a foreign Excel file I just read, but it was .csv, so I don't think viruses can be transmitted through them

Maybe someone will help us both
Subject: Circular Reference Toolbar Disappears
I'm running Excel 97 SR-2. I normally run with the circular reference toobar docked with other toolbars. I noticed it was gone. I can go through the tool->customize->toolbars pulldown menu and get the toolbar back, but anytime I enter data in the worksheet, the circular reference toolbar goes away. Another peculiarity is that when I go through the dialog to get the toolbar back, when I click the close button, the 3 icons in the circular reference toobar shift slightly to the left on the toobar and I've never observed this before

I use Excel nearly every day and the only thing unusual that happened on my system recently is that I received an email from a friend containing a ".csv" spreadsheet and looked at it with macros enabled

Looks like I'm totally stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Gord Dibben


Toolbar and menu customizations are saved in *.XLB file.

Do a file search for *.XLB and locate where it(they, you may have more than

Note the location(s) and make some changes to a Toolbar or menu then close
Excel and see which *.XLB is updating.

Save a copy of this *.XLB as you make changes. You can then copy it if you
lose it again.

Why are you losing it occassionally?? Are you on a network or stand-alone?
Servers can often screw up with file storage. If the *.XLB gets lost, Excel
just builds a new default one...as you have discovered.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Dave Peterson

David, you have one reply at your post.


A couple hours ago I posted a similar question in the "Excel General Questions" newsgroup. Below I'll repeat the problem I'm having. I don't think my system has ever behaved like this before, but I notice my laptop is doing the same thing as my floor standing (desktop) system. In my post I asked the question if I could be having the problem because of a foreign Excel file I just read, but it was .csv, so I don't think viruses can be transmitted through them.

Maybe someone will help us both.
Subject: Circular Reference Toolbar Disappears.
I'm running Excel 97 SR-2. I normally run with the circular reference toobar docked with other toolbars. I noticed it was gone. I can go through the tool->customize->toolbars pulldown menu and get the toolbar back, but anytime I enter data in the worksheet, the circular reference toolbar goes away. Another peculiarity is that when I go through the dialog to get the toolbar back, when I click the close button, the 3 icons in the circular reference toobar shift slightly to the left on the toobar and I've never observed this before.

I use Excel nearly every day and the only thing unusual that happened on my system recently is that I received an email from a friend containing a ".csv" spreadsheet and looked at it with macros enabled.

Looks like I'm totally stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Gord
I have an earlier reply on this thread where I list the similar problem I'm having. Based on the post you just made regarding the .xlb file in the "Windows" folder I was able to fix my problem on my floor standing system. I changed my login back to "John" so that Excel now apparently always uses the John8.xlb file rather than one based on the other user name. Thanks! Can you help with the same problem on my laptop

On the laptop there is only one .xlb file on the system, "David8.xlb". User name on the laptop is David. The symptoms on Excel are exactly the same as I described in my post to John E. just above. The only thing that I can think of that may be goofy about the laptop Excel setup is that the "Personal.xls" file on the laptop was built on a different system and copied to the laptop. Is there something in the Personal.xls related to user name which could confuse Excel about the name of the .xlb file

Thanks in advance

Gord Dibben


Personal.xls file would have nothing to do with your *.xlb file unless........

If it was created in a version earlier than Excel 97 menu changes would have
been made via the old Menu Editor which was supplanted by the VB Editor in
Excel 97.

If this is the case, menu items would reappear when the Personal.xls loaded.

Remove Personal.xls from the XLSTART folder and see what happens.

I would also re-name David8.xlb to David8.old.

Excel will build a new one. Make some menu alterations and see if they stick.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP



Thanks for your post. I believe I understand the laptop problem. I guess the problem I was having there was slightly different than the one fixed by making sure the correct .xlb file is being used by Excel. I'm running Win95 if I didn't mention that before. Apparently the circular reference toolbar doesn't stay in place normally so the behavior I have been observing with it disappearing is the way Excel is designed to work. Maybe it only pops up and remains when there is a circular reference present in the worksheet; I'm not sure about this. I use the circular reference toolbar "precedent" and "dependent" buttons to help me understand the equations in spreadsheets when there are no circular references present. That's why I want the toolbar always there. The way around the "disappearing toolbar" problem is to put the buttons of interest (e.g. "precedent" and "dependant") on a different toolbar that doesn't disappear and then the buttons are available all the time (assuming there are no problems with the .xlb file as there was on my desktop system, which you helped me fix earlier). I'm all set now on both systems. Thanks for your help today. Late on the east coast. Goodnight


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