Losing Format of Data when merging from Excel to Word



I am trying to merge data from an Excel Database into
Word, and when I do that I am losing the format of my
numbers in a column. Word is also adding a .0 to the end
of all of my numbers. Do you have any suggestions for
avoiding this?

Peter Jamieson

Assuming you are using Word 2002 or 2003, either
a. change the connection method to the old one (DDE) by checking Word
Tools|Options|General|"Confirm conversions at open", going thrrough the data
source selection process again and selecting the DDE option when prompted,
b. add formtting switches to the { MERGEFIELD } fields in Word. E.g.
instead of

{ MERGEFIELD mynumber }


{ MERGEFIELD mynumber \#0 }

for example. (Use alt-F9 to show the field codes).

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