I've have a template in Word 98 in which there is a bunch
of code sitting on the back-end, and after saving twice
in the same 'login' and exiting, reopening an instance of
the template will throw a "Cannot open macro storage"
error. I don't know if this is the only way to reproduce
this error, but it is certainly one way...
I don't think it is related to the kb article I've seen
here, does anyone have any ideas? It is strange because
the functionality the code provides is fine upon opening
an intial instance of the template, then disappears if a
document is saved twice in one editing session without
closing the document.
Thanks in advance!
of code sitting on the back-end, and after saving twice
in the same 'login' and exiting, reopening an instance of
the template will throw a "Cannot open macro storage"
error. I don't know if this is the only way to reproduce
this error, but it is certainly one way...
I don't think it is related to the kb article I've seen
here, does anyone have any ideas? It is strange because
the functionality the code provides is fine upon opening
an intial instance of the template, then disappears if a
document is saved twice in one editing session without
closing the document.
Thanks in advance!