Losing outgoing mail from Outbox


Steve Mc

I have been experiencing network conditions where I am moved to offline. I am
then disconnected from the exchange server and have to log back in to chnage
from Work Offline to Online.

During those times, any mail completed to send goes to the Outbox. Some
network issues cause the need to shut down Outlook and when I do that the
outgoing email is lost from the Outbox. It appears in the Sent folder but
never actually gets sent.

Is there an option that I am missing to make sure the Outbox is maintained
until an online condition is met?

Roady [MVP]

Is there an option that I am missing to make sure the Outbox is maintained
until an online condition is met?
That is how it should work but sometimes this can be scr*wed up by virus
scanners that integrate with Outlook. Disable this and try again.


Steve Mc

Thanks Roady

We use CA Antivirus within the organization. I do not know if it integrates
with Outlook. Is there a way I can tell? Also, how might I disable it for
Outlook and not for other applications?

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