loss of accuracy in pivot table


the swimmer

Hi Fellow Excel puzzlers

I create a pivot table and extract time data which has been custo
formatted to show minutes seconds and two decimal places of second
(i.e. down to hundreths) however the pivot table has then lost th
tenths and hundredths of a second and shows all times with the tenth
and hundreths as ".00" why is this happening is it a hidden rounding
can it not handle time to this accuracy when translating data into
pivot table any thoughts or knowledge on the subject appreciated

Dave Peterson

I don't know why the fractional part of the seconds are lost, but you could work
around it.

Either format that column of times as general, then run your pivottable and
format those pivottable columns as [mm].ss.00. But if you change the raw data
columns back to time formatting, the next time you update the pivottable, you'll
lose those fractions.

I think I'd add another column and just use simple formula:
And format as general and drag down.

Then use these helper columns as the basis for you pivottable.

And format the pivottable results as: [mm].ss.00

It seemed to behave nice for me--even after refreshing the pivottable.

(I used xl2003 to test.)

the swimmer

Hi Dave

I tried your suggestions with helper columns and that certainly did the
trick why the loss of accuracy without this is still a puzzle to me.

If you (or any one else) have any ideas on my other query regarding
multiple minimum values it would also be very helpful see my other
posting shortly before this original one

Many thanks
:) :)

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