A project manager on the server lost all the submitted Status reports from
his Team Members.
Please let me know if anyone has seen this issue.
Currently we are working on reviewing the database to determine if the
inforamtion can be found and restored.
Steps taken:
1. I set up status report for my team back in' April 04
2. My team have been able to send status reports to me, no issue.
3. 3 weeks ago, I made some format change in the status report and did a
save without doing a send.
4. one of my engineer said she cannot submit status report because she did
not receive email notification
5. I went in and modify the report, without making any change and try to
press send
6. system gave me an error that I cannot request status report more than 6
months ago
7. I went back and changed the status report start date to the current date
then, and then do a send
8. Team were able to send new status reports to me, but we lost all previous
status reports
9. I tried to go back and change the date back to couple months back, the
field is no longer editable, and of course, the old reports were all gone.
his Team Members.
Please let me know if anyone has seen this issue.
Currently we are working on reviewing the database to determine if the
inforamtion can be found and restored.
Steps taken:
1. I set up status report for my team back in' April 04
2. My team have been able to send status reports to me, no issue.
3. 3 weeks ago, I made some format change in the status report and did a
save without doing a send.
4. one of my engineer said she cannot submit status report because she did
not receive email notification
5. I went in and modify the report, without making any change and try to
press send
6. system gave me an error that I cannot request status report more than 6
months ago
7. I went back and changed the status report start date to the current date
then, and then do a send
8. Team were able to send new status reports to me, but we lost all previous
status reports
9. I tried to go back and change the date back to couple months back, the
field is no longer editable, and of course, the old reports were all gone.