lost CD



Had a new hard drive put in computer and wanted to download
my Microsoft Office SP *(For students) it has Word, Excel,
Outlook and PowerPoint in it......but my Content CD is
missing and I cant find it anywhere, I have the other 2
CDs, but they are useless without the Content CD.......What
should I do......HELP~~~!!!! Thank you

John Ski

Had a new hard drive put in computer and wanted to download
my Microsoft Office SP *(For students) it has Word, Excel,
Outlook and PowerPoint in it......but my Content CD is
missing and I cant find it anywhere, I have the other 2
CDs, but they are useless without the Content CD.......What
should I do......HELP~~~!!!! Thank you

Assuming you mean "install" rather than download", do you still have the
25-digit Product Key? If you do then you can make a copy from another content
CD belonging to a friend, another student, whoever. There is nothing on an MS
CD tying it to a particular Product Key.The version must be exactly the same,
however. The setup program merely checks to see that the Key you enter
conforms to the MS algorithm for creating Keys(whatever the heck that is).

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
***Arthur C. Clarke***

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