The sign-up is on our Web page:; we'd love to have you as
a subscriber. Past issues are available there as well. I don't see any email
address in your profile, so PM me via our Web site and I'll send you the
Publisher file.
I go back to the days of using MS-Word merges in MS-Outlook to create email
newsletters. Today, that's not a practical alternative (for a wide variety of
reasons). In that vein, we have found that server-based services (like
ListBuilder) remove many of the Exchange/Outlook issues of mailing large
lists, SPAM filters, firewalls, etc. Plus, they offer a better subscriber
profile and sign-up process than we could manage on our own. Although we,
too, found many alternatives with great templates and interfaces, we chose
MS-Publisher for the simplicity (skill set...doing other work in the same
application) and the add-in (which we now question) for ListBuilder.
On the missing hyperlinks and graphics, I have found that may be related to
the connection from your email client to the server (where they reside).
Sometimes the email looks great, and when you print it, the graphics and
formatting are gone. Do it again in one minute, and everything is fine. I
have seen timeouts on the hyperlinks, too (I suspect that's a Web hosting
issue on our side; doesn't happen very often).
Tracking is important to us. The ListBuilder tracking is 'ok' (could be
better), and there seems to be no support for "Send to a friend". This is
something our subscribers are asking for. And, we wanted an embedded survey
in an issue of the newsletter; we found that we have to host that with a
hyperlink and separate code on our server. We have suggested (to no avail)
both of these to Microsoft (they acknowledged they were good ideas).
If we could get past these 'dropped' formatting issues, I think we'd be much
happier about the combination of Publisher and ListBuilder. I am convinced
that the issue is in the Add-in, not the service, or Publisher.