Lost data, then duplicated, then triplicated


Nancy K

Yesterday, my home page lost the bottom 3/4 or so when viewed in Internet
Explorer, although all the data was there in FrontPage. Today, not only did
it lose all the data except the top bar and left navigation bar, but when
viewed in Internet Explorer, that top bar and left navigation bar are there
THREE times! Nothing I do in FrontPage seems to affect what it looks like in
Internet Explorer. Other pages are fine. HELP!

Nancy K

Now my inside pages have lost the top bar and left navigation bar, even
though the home page still has three of each. HELP!

Caesar Romano

Now my inside pages have lost the top bar and left navigation bar, even
though the home page still has three of each. HELP!

How about giving us a link to your page?

Nancy K

www.lakewaychurch.net. Now I think I've got the top bar back on the inside
pages, but not the left navigation bar. All data on home page is still lost
and although the top bar looks okay in FrontPage, it is all squashed to the
left in Explorer.

Patricia Geary

It looks like you are using a theme and possibly shared borders but hard to
tell. Also looks like you may have used copy and paste from another MS

Were you using shared borders? Which ones?


Nancy K

Yes, on top and on the left. I didn't originally set up this site, but have
been modifying it for several years. I didn't think I was using a theme any
more. Now it's really, really messed up!

Patricia Geary

Not sure if you can fix what you have or not. It appears from your source
code you are using a clouds theme with the top and left border. What version
of FP are you using? If it were me, I'd move from using a theme and shared
borders to using fp includes for your top and left or if you have fp2003, a
DWT (dynamic web tamplate).

<!--mstheme--><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="_themes/clouds-2/clou1011.css"><meta name="Microsoft Theme"
content="clouds-2 1011, default">
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="tl, default">

Unless someone can help you clean up what you have, I would create a new one
page web site.
Apply your clouds theme
Format your shared border for the top and left
Open your current site in Firefox - May work in IE but I used FF to get this
Copy that part of the page that is the top border. I assumed the Lakeway
church logo, the middle section and the picture odf the church on the right.
Past it into the top shared border.
Still using FF with the page open, copy the left side navigation and paste
it into the left border.
This will give you at least a clean page to work with.

This is as far as I went in the process and I did not have the cloud theme
in FP2003. You should be able to then copy and paste sections of your
content into clean pages.


Nancy K said:
Yes, on top and on the left. I didn't originally set up this site, but
been modifying it for several years. I didn't think I was using a theme
more. Now it's really, really messed up!

Nancy K

Okay, so I created a new Home Page - within the same website - and re-created
everything (I think!) that was on the original Home Page, which I deleted.
Now there are still a couple of things:
1. All info starts BELOW the left navigation panel, not opposite it . . .
on all pages.
2. While the top banner and left navigation panel are only there once now,
the photo gallery at the bottom of the page shows up four times . . . even
though it's only there in FrontPage (2003, BTW) once. When I delete that one
in FP, it deletes all four on the Internet.
3. Does this have anything to do with anything: Last week when I started
having problems was when I saw "281 7772400 10058400 259 261 257 276 262 279
1 0`````````````````````` 5 1 0 285 282 1 False 0 0 0 0 -1 304800 243 True
128 77 255 3175 3175 70 True True True True True 278 134217728 1 14 False
-9999996.000000 -9999996.000000 8 Empty 16711680 52479 26367 13421772
16737792 13382502 16777215 Bluebird" within four or five paragraphs on my
Home Page. When I deleted all those is when I lost all the remaining data.
This morning, that same sequence showed up on my New Home Page. I didn't
touch it and it somehow went away.

Patricia Geary

Not really sure what is happening but there is just too much stuff to wade
through to figure out. You might want to try not putting so much info on the
home page including the photo gallery and use a brief bit of content then a
link to a new page with more details and the photo gallery. The bluebird
content is reapeated in a number of places on the home page or at least copy
and past special repeats it multiple times.

You might want to consider moving them themes and shared borders to using
something a bit simpler. You can find more information here

If you are in the least bit interested, you could do something like this


or this which involves a simple change of the style sheet


creating a dynamic web tamplate and attaching it to your content. It does
involve a lot of cleanup of the site.


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