lost file



Today I spent a full day working on a document. Throughout the hole
day, I've saved the file repeatedly. I then needed to open the
document on another computer so that I could edit an "autocad created"
figure, which I did. I openend the file via network connection on my
LAN. Then, when I went to save the file, word choked, froze in the
middle, then unfroze and my document disappeared into cyberspace. I
did not have backup selected, so I have nothing to look for there.
I've looked in the autorecorey folder of both computers and found

Is there any other place where this file could be? I thought these
days were over long ago.




You sure you don't have a ~ prefixed file with the same name in the
directory from which you opened the doc? That should at least have the
last version of the doc, from which you should be able to recover most
of what you had worked on.


i know what you are speaking of...but ~*.doc nor ~*.temp exist in the
file's directory...and yes, my hidden files are turned on. This was
the first time I've ever had a document just completely disappear.
Plenty of crashes, plenty of incomplete saves....but never a document
just vanishing.

Rest assured, i will forever use the back-up option and the create a
local copy of files stored on a network drive option.


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