Lost FP 2000, can't work my site.



I had set-up a site with FP 2000, then accidentally deleted FP software when
installing MS Office 2007. How do I regain access to my website? What
program is quick and easy w/XP, for a non-techie? Can I just copy my site to
new program and work on the site?

Stefan B Rusynko

Reinstall FP 2000 or try the trial of the replacement for FP (Expression Web)
See http://www.microsoft.com/expression/products/overview.aspx?key=web

|I had set-up a site with FP 2000, then accidentally deleted FP software when
| installing MS Office 2007. How do I regain access to my website? What
| program is quick and easy w/XP, for a non-techie? Can I just copy my site to
| new program and work on the site?

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