Lost functionality



After saving and exiting org chart, drap and drop subordinates feature does
not work nor the hide/expand subordintes. Does not recognize shapes as subord
or mgr. When dragging subord. shape on mgr shape will get the message as to
how to connect mgr and superior shapes (by dragging new subord shape on
manager) but the new shape sits on top of superior shape.

Org chart menu and floating org chart is available.

apologize for re-post but different name was used for post and my reply.


No problem with the re-post, but will lose some of the "history" from
previous post: drag_drop subordinates no longer works.

So far, the suggestions have netted zero help. Let me re-phase what's
happening to make sure I understand. If you start a new org chart, all of
the normal drag and drop features work, including dragging a subordinate onto
a manager and releasing it. Visio automatically places the subordinate and
the two are connected. However, once you save the file, re-open it, then
when you drag a subordinate onto the a manager shape, it just sits there.
Perhaps it's insecure or needs better directions. Sorry, could resist.
Also, the automation events is checked. And you've done this a couple of
different times.

Out of curiousity, if you go to File > Properties is the Save Workspace
checked? It should be. If not, try a really simple new org chart--perhaps
just two shapes. Save it, close it, open it. Make sure the Save Workspace
was checked before saving. Does drag and drop work now? Expected answer is
negative on all points. :(



Just as a thought from the side, was the drawing opened and saved from a
downlevel version of visio in between our user using it?


No, only 2007 version and not shared with other users
Other points:
-Data linked to external data source.
-It doesn't always lose functionality when save and exit as thought, not
sure when.
(trying to recreate the instance)
-added a new field in between existing fields in data source which is not
part of shape data, now have many conflicts with error message "linked rows
removed from data source" which is not true.
Use adobe print option to use PDF functions.


OK. So, are you using the Wizard? Presumably, that's how you getting your
link to external data source. Then the question becomes, initially, you draw
the org chart manually, and use Wizard to export? At some point, do you use
the Wizard to import? Do you lose functionality before or after importing?

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