Lost G. messages and missing form edits (originally reported June



On June 9th in the 'Groove Synchronization' forum I submitted a number of
postings regarding synchronization problems. The problems have been
identified to forum updates taking 3 days to synchronize and messages from a
colleague never arrive, although I get his replies to my messages if I
originate them.

As stated this is starting to affect our business!!! It is now have a
financial impact!

I've been a devoted user of G. for 3 plus years, have been very satisfied
with it and recommended it extensively. I would appreciate some assistance
with this problem, we've been suffering for 11 days!!

Thank you.


Dear Sir,

You can use GrooveClean to clear communication buffers. This command is in
the Program Files\Groove Netwoks\bin directoray. Here is a link you can refer
to more details: http://www.groove.net/support/kb/detail.cfm/docnum/TCN-00312.

You can do some other actions to solve this problem. Such as: switch
online/offline, make sure you have set up your firewall correctlly, check
communication activity in communication manager.

Thanks for your dedicate use to Groove.


Thank you for your response.

1. GrooveClean
We've run this program many times without any change to our problem.

2. Firewall
If I do get workspace updates and replys to G. messages I originated are you
sure a firewall could be a problem?

New Information
We've identified that if we're both working in G. at the same time I do get
messages originated by my colleague and workspace updates made during the
same "session" also appear to arrive in a timely fashion.

The problems occure when G. decides I'm Idle. I leave my machines on all the
We noticed today how I received original messages until I left G. for around
5 or 10 mins to read an e-mail, during which time none of my colleagues
messages arrived. But when I opened a form record my colleague forwarded the
messages and they arrived emmediately.

In addition my colleague ALWAYS sees my status as Offline, which I never am,
i.e., I'm always on-line! But I see him online and in our shared workspace.

Pls advise, these problems are really hurting now as my colleague is 9 hours
ahead of me so does all his work while my G. is 'Idle'.

In the original posting in the Groove Synchronization support forum I
mentioned how I had installed G2007 on another machine, which was when our
problems started. What do you think?

Thanx, James



Do you use grooveclean with option -all. Withou option -all, it only clear
communication buffers but not account data.

As you mentioned, you have installed Groove 2007 at another machine. That
means you should updata all your groove account to Groove 2007. Otherwise,
delete Groove 2007 account. I believe that's the real reason.


Thank you for your reply.

1. The machine with G2007 has NOT been running since virtually the day I
installed G2007 due to the licensing problems it caused.

I would consider upgrading all machines, is there a cost? I don't recall
seeing anything about the upgrade cost.



You need to upgrade all account on multiple computer to synchronize account
data. Because G3.1 account data can't synchronize with G2007 account data.

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