Lost Info in E-Mail Folders


Dick Bell

In Outlook 2002 most of the e-mails that I have filed in various folder are
gone. I assumed they had been archieved, but no luck in retrieving them thru
import-export. Any ideas?

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

What are your archiving settings? Do you have mails set to be moved to an
archive PST or just deleted?

Open your archive PST (File, Open, Outlook Data File) and see what's in the
various folders. Don't import/export, it breaks links and various other
things. If you don't know where your archive PST is select Tools, Options,
Other tab, AutoArchive button and look in the file path text box under the
"Move old items to:" radio button. If you can't see the entire path put your
cursor in the text box and click the End key.

If things are set to be deleted you're out of luck. If they're in the
archive PST you can access them from there or move things back but then
change your settings so things don't get moved again.


Right click on a relevant email folder then click on Properties and then
click on the Auto Archive tab to see if auto archive is enabled. If it is
there will be the location of the archive file for you. You can then open
the archive with File, Open, Outlook Data file.

Hope this helps.

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