There may well be those who disagree with me, but IMHO 644 OLE links in a
Word doc is an open invitation to the type of trouble you describe - in
fact, I think you're lucky it hasn't thoroughly corrupted by now. It's like
having your Mom say "Yes, you can have some candy." whereupon you proceed to
consume three times your body weight & wonder why you have a tummy ache
This type of project really *begs* to be done in something other than a
_word_ processing program. Links or not, Word just isn't designed to handle
this type of load. If you invest in a proper page layout program you'll
recoup the cost in document stability alone. You can probably get a new copy
of one of the earlier versions of InDesign or QuarkXpress at a reasonable
price on the web. The learning curve is not as severe as you may think
(especially for InDesign) & you will be able to import the text from your
Word doc rather than having to retype 166 pages... assuming you make the
move *before* the doc blows up altogether.
If you don't want to go that route then I humbly submit that you consider
contracting the job out to someone who has the software & know-how to
provide you with a finished product.