Lost My Picture Manager


Paige Oswald

I have been using Microsoft Picture Manager on my computer for a few monhts
and love it. I downloaded the new Adobe Reader today, and now when I got to
open a picture, Picture Manager is gone! Not sore if the download has
anything to do with it or not - it did instally a free Adobe Photoshop
program though, so I'm guessing it did. I don't see Picture Manager under
Tools in the Program listing under Microsoft Office anymore either. How can
I get Picture Manager back? I miss it!

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Reinstall the Picture Manager feature from your Office 2003 CD. See
http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=821593 "How to install or repair and
reinstall Office 2003 programs and features" for more information.
You'll probably find Picture Manager under the Office Tools or Office
Shared Features category.

Paige Oswald

This was a great solution, except I can't locate the Office CD. It came
loaded on my computer when I purchased it, and I don't remember if they gave
me the CD at the time of purchase. So I'm probably just out of luck, right?

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