Lost or missing identity after installing Leopard



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I upgraded from Tiger to Leopard, but now my Entourage identities are missing (and all of my email, of course!)

Please help. : (

Thank you!

Diane Ross

I upgraded from Tiger to Leopard, but now my Entourage identities are missing
(and all of my email, of course!)

How did you upgrade? Your data is stored in this location. If you moved it,
just move it back. Look for the Microsoft User Data folder or your Office
2004 Identities folder that would contain your Main Identity (named Main by

~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/


How did you upgrade? Your data is stored in this location. If you moved it,
just move it back. Look for the Microsoft User Data folder or your Office
2004 Identities folder that would contain your Main Identity (named Main by

~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/

Diane Ross

I upgraded with a disk. I was just reading a reply you provided to a similar
problem and believe it helped me find the identities (Main and a second one I
created for work email)in a folder called "Office 2004 Identities". However
I'm having trouble feeling brave enough to drag it where I THINK it may need
to go.

When you opened Entourage it created a new blank Microsoft User Data folder
and new blank Identity. You can check the size of the database file:

Examples of a blank database
2004 --> 18.1 KB
2008 --> 22.6 MB

Simply rename the Main Identity to New Main Identity, then drag the Identity
folders inside the Office 2004 Identities back to the newly created Office
2004 Identities.

If you did not update Office 2004 after installing, you will get an error
"This Identity Cannot Be Opened With This Version of Entourage"

Once you update, your Identity will open.


I've pasted parts of a reply you provided to someone on October 20, 2008 that has been helpful to me. I've embedded my questions within your text...hope this is not confusing.
Entourage expects the Microsoft User Data folder to be in your Documents
folder. For OS X users, that's the Documents folder in your User's folder.
When Entourage opens in a new blank Identity, it's usually User error.

Most likely you have accidentally moved your data. Hopefully, you have not
deleted the file. If you have deleted the trash, it's gone. Sorry!

To find your old database, search for "Microsoft User Data" (without the

I found the Identities folder in the MUD folder, as you described...Yay!
Select Switch Identity (under Entourage in the Menu bar) and see if your old
identity is still listed.
No other identities were available.
If you have not used a new identity in Entourage, then copy the entire
Microsoft User Data folder to the correct location.
This is the instruction that confuses me. I have used both the Main Identity and another that I created. They both appear in the Office 2004 Identity folder that is in the MUD folder within the documents folder inside the User folder. Does this matter?

I do have more than one because my files were transferred from an old work ibook to my personal macbook pro (I assume that's why.) I renamed the one I want to use..is that what you mean by "fix"?
Move the entire identity folder you want to use to the Office Identities
folder that Entourage is recognizing.
I don't understand where to move the Identities folder.
Your identity is named "Main" by
default. Be sure to rename one so you do not overwrite.
I renamed the Main Identity folder that appears in Entourage, but still don't know what to do next.
Your identity folder
can contain more than one identity. Switch Identities to view your old mail.
If you have not used the new identity, delete it. If you have used it and
want to combine the new mail with your original database, drag each folder
to the desktop from one identity. This creates an MBOX file. Switch
identities. Drag the MBOX files into the folder window of Entourage.
I can't do any of the above until I know where to move the Identities folder, right?

I'm a bit of a newbie (obviously!) but I'm trying to be brave...thanks for your help (and patience!).

Diane Ross

If you have not used a new identity in Entourage, then copy the entire
Microsoft User Data folder to the correct location.

This is the instruction that confuses me. I have used both the Main Identity
and another that I created. They both appear in the Office 2004 Identity
folder that is in the MUD folder within the documents folder inside the User
folder. Does this matter?

No, you can have multiple Identities inside your Identity folder.
I do have more than one because my files were transferred from an old work
ibook to my personal macbook pro (I assume that's why.) I renamed the one I
want to use..is that what you mean by "fix"?

Moving an Identity back from the incorrect location is the fix.
I'm a bit of a newbie (obviously!) but I'm trying to be brave...thanks for
your help (and patience!).

I'll do some handholding, but need to be able to contact you off list. Send
me your email and/or phone number and a time to call.



When you opened Entourage it created a new blank Microsoft User Data folder
and new blank Identity. You can check the size of the database file:

Examples of a blank database
2004 --> 18.1 KB
2008 --> 22.6 MB

Simply rename the Main Identity to New Main Identity, then drag the Identity
folders inside the Office 2004 Identities back to the newly created Office
2004 Identities.

If you did not update Office 2004 after installing, you will get an error
"This Identity Cannot Be Opened With This Version of Entourage"

Once you update, your Identity will open.
Uh oh! I think I've made a little mess. After checking the size of the database file(s) as you suggested, I recall that I accidentally moved the documents folder from the sidebar when I was backing up files prior to loading Leopard. I had never added/moved anything from there before, so I struggled to find it and replace it. In doing so, I ended up with 2 document folders on the side bar which i named differently because one seemed to be from my old work computer, not my new docs. At the time, I didn't realize that this would have anything to do with Entourage.

There is now a blank Document folder within my user file that does NOT appear on the sidebar which I believe is the one the blank MUD folder and Identity that you mentioned.

So bottom line: I have 3 document folders! One empty and not on the side bar, one from a previous computer (on sidebar), and another with recent stuff (on sidebar w/different name). The one with my recent stuff appears to have what I need...the MUD folder, Identities I'm looking for and databases 1.35GB and 1.17 GB for the respective Identities.

UGH! Sorry to be so difficult to assist, but I think we're close.

Diane Ross

Uh oh! I think I've made a little mess. After checking the size of the
database file(s) as you suggested, I recall that I accidentally moved the
documents folder from the sidebar when I was backing up files prior to loading
Leopard. I had never added/moved anything from there before, so I struggled to
find it and replace it. In doing so, I ended up with 2 document folders on the
side bar which i named differently because one seemed to be from my old work
computer, not my new docs. At the time, I didn't realize that this would have
anything to do with Entourage.
Icons in the sidebar are just aliases. They do not delete the actual
folders. The Finder recognizes the default folders so when you get down to
one Documents folder drag it to the sidebar.
There is now a blank Document folder within my user file that does NOT appear
on the sidebar which I believe is the one the blank MUD folder and Identity
that you mentioned.

So bottom line: I have 3 document folders! One empty and not on the side bar,
one from a previous computer (on sidebar), and another with recent stuff (on
sidebar w/different name). The one with my recent stuff appears to have what I
need...the MUD folder, Identities I'm looking for and databases 1.35GB and
1.17 GB for the respective Identities.
The ones that empty, you can delete.

The older one should be combined with the new Documents folder. Both might
have Microsoft User Data folders. Entourage should recognize the default
Documents folder and would have created a new blank Microsoft User Data
folder and Identities folder.

I would open each folder side by side. It should be obvious which one was
the old Documents folder. Move the individual folders over to the new
Documents folder. If they are duplicates. Move over the individual files
within. You wouldn't want to overwrite a file especially in the case of
Entourage if you have used the new blank Identity. You would want to combine
the info. Another default folder in Docs is Downloads. It's pretty simple to
see the files there and move them over.

Sort your Finder window by columns. Open two Finder windows...one for each
Doc folder. This makes it easy to see contents.
UGH! Sorry to be so difficult to assist, but I think we're close.

No problemo! Just think of all the new stuff you are learning.


No, you can have multiple Identities inside your Identity folder.

Moving an Identity back from the incorrect location is the fix.

I'll do some handholding, but need to be able to contact you off list. Send
me your email and/or phone number and a time to call.

Thank you

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