Lost pdf icons in Word 2002


Natasha Jones

Dear all,

On my old pc (WinNT4.0, Word 2000 as part of MS Office) I used to have my
Adobe Acrobat icons on a toolbar, which was very handy for makinf speedy pdf

I have now got a new pc (Win2KPro, Word 2002 as part of MS Office) but there
are no Adobe Acrobat icons on the toolbars. There is no Acrobat toolbar I
can switch on. The strange thing is that they are there in Excel 2002 and
PowerPoint 2002...

Can anyone tell me how to get these icons / toolbar back into Word? Or are
they lost forever?
Natasha :)

Natasha Jones

Don't worry about this posting. I found the answer over on the Adobe forum.

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