Lost post Re VBE


Otto Moehrbach

I posted this query about 5 days ago and it never appeared in my OE listing
of posts so I don't know if I got a reply.

Excel XP & Win XP
I've never seen this before but I can't say it has never happened
I have wb A.xls open and I work in the VBE.
I get finished and CLOSE THE WB but leave Excel running.
I go into the VBE and, behold, there is wb A.xls listed.
I click on wb A.xls and there is the code for that wb. All of it.
Remember that wb A.xls is closed.
Is this normal? Thanks for your time. Otto


I did not see your old posting, but I do not believe it is common for the
code of a closed workbook to appear in the VBE. Check your status bar to be
sure that the workbook name no longer appears there and is infact closed
rather than just minimized.

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