Lost Product Key on Publisher 98



I installed publisher on my home computer and now want to put it on my laptop
for when I travel. My husband threw the lid away with the product code. I
have limited functionality on my laptop. How do I get the product key. Who
do I call? O how do I find it.

Mary Sauer

If Publisher 98 is installed on your home computer, look at Help, About
Microsoft Publisher 98. There is a series of numbers
XXXXX-000-0000000-XXXXX Where the zeros are your product code.

Mary Sauer

The product key in 97 and 98 are in the Help, About. I have them both and the
numbers match what is on my jewel case.



Just looked and I have Publisher 2007.....is it the same for this version?

Mary Sauer

From Publisher 2000 and up Office used the 25 product key. Those keys are not in
Help, About.


Mary, for your and other's information. Magical Jelly Bean keyfinder will
NOT find the key for Publisher '97 or '98 but their version 1.51 will for
Office '97 through 2003 (except for Office 2000). Their version 2.01 will
find the keys for Office 2002 and later, as well as more programs such as
Acrobat, WinZip, Zone Alarm, etc. Since it doesn't have to be installed on
a computer like Belarc Advisor, I use it frequently from a utility program
CD I have created when getting ready to rebuild a computer to quickly obtain
the needed keys.

Also, while not advocating piracy, the Publisher 98 key is actually
immaterial in that you can use all 1's in all the fields of the key except
if you have an OEM version and in that case all you do is in the 3 character
set of the 5-3-7-5 character key put OEM. MS did this, using different
numbers, for many different programs until they went to the 5 X 5 character
keycode and activation.

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