Lost record in Sharepoint List


Dale Fye

I've got an Access 2007 application that uses Sharepoint Lists as the source
of some of the data. This morning, I was looking at the data and identified
that one of the records in a critical table was missing.

I've checked the code in my application, and there is no way that the the
application could have deleted the record. Only two people actually have
visibility of the Sharepoint list and I'm certain that neither of them would
have been able to delete the record.

Has anyone run into this?

I'm not sure whether the list had the appropriate settings so that the
record would be recoverable. How do I determine whether the record can be

Dale Fye

Yes, It is not there.

This list was originally created in Access, then published to Sharepoint, so
I don't think it has the functionality to post to the recycle bin. I don't
see any of the records that were properly deleted from this list in the
recycle bin.

Is there any way to change the type of list so these deleted records will
show up in the recycle bin when they are deleted?

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