Lost Relationships



Hello, I have a front end and a back end for my database (Access 2000) and my
relationships seem to have disappeared but the db is still working just fine.
I am the only one that has access to the backend and I know I did not remove
them. I have tried show all and show direct in both the fe and be but no
relationships appear. I have been searching the web and found a couple

(CTRL + G) ?currentdb.Relations.Count which gives me 0 and

for each rel in currentdb.Relations: debug.Print rel.name, rel.table,
rel.foreigntable: next rel

This seems to do nothing. I have a backup that does show all the
relationships so technically I could set them all up again but am not sure if
I should. Is my database corrupt? Should I redo the relationships? Thanks
a lot.

Allen Browne

Recreate them. As you probably know, they are essential to the integrity of
your data.

I have experienced Access losing some relationships, but never all of them.
Typically it happens when a primary key field index, so Access removes the
index, and so the relations that rely on that index are removed also. This
is a rare occurrance, and it is extremely unlikely that all your primary key
indexes went corrupt at once.

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