lost tab response in bulleting for mac word 2004



This question has been posted before, but the response, "Set first and left
indent with tabs and backspaces" under autocorrect, doesn't seem to be an
option. Is this because I'm working on a Mac or am I just missing something?
If anyone can help, I'd greatly appreciate it because the disconnect between
the tab and bullets is driving me crazy!

Daiya Mitchell

On the Mac, it's in Word | Preferences | Edit.

In general, what's in Tools | Options in WinWord is in Word | Preferences on
the Mac (and I think this option used to be in Tools | Options, or
something). Anyhow, anytime something is driving you crazy in MacWord,
always check Word | Preferences and Tools | AutoCorrect for a relevant

There are Mac-dedicated newsgroups, by the way--
See here for Google/Entourage gateway to newsgroups for MacWord, MacExcel,
and other MS programs for the Mac:

Suzanne S. Barnhill

It's probably going to be different on a Mac, but it's also different on PCs
depending on version. It moved to the AutoFormat As You Type dialog in Word
2002; before that there was a similar option on the Edit tab of Tools |
Options (on a Mac I think this would be Preferences?).


You both hit it with the Preferences menu. I didn't even know that existed
(still learning from the PC to Mac switch) but thank you soooo much!

Daiya Mitchell

Welcome to the Mac. :)

Most important piece of information for new Mac users (in my opinion):

On a Mac, every single program should have a Preferences dialog under the
[application name] menu. 90% of the time, if something is annoying you or
you want to change a default, check out the Preferences. This is true in all
Mac programs.

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