Lost the ability to cut and paste from entourage emails to anything else? Help?



Lost the ability to cut and paste from entourage emails to anything
else? I am running tiger 10.4.7 and Office 2004. For some unknown
reason I have lost the ability to cut/copy and paste text??
Any ideas as to why?

Hugh Watkins

badspell68 said:
Lost the ability to cut and paste from entourage emails to anything
else? I am running tiger 10.4.7 and Office 2004. For some unknown
reason I have lost the ability to cut/copy and paste text??
Any ideas as to why?

I have dumped Entourage

use MAIL for email

and Mozilla for usenet like this

Hugh W

Daiya Mitchell

Lost the ability to cut and paste from entourage emails to anything
else? I am running tiger 10.4.7 and Office 2004. For some unknown
reason I have lost the ability to cut/copy and paste text??
Any ideas as to why?
It works here with the same version numbers for me.

Wild guess that actually, what's happened, your keyboard shortcuts in
Entourage have vanished, but using Edit | Copy would still work.

Search the entourage newsgroup to see what people did about vanishing
keyboard shortcuts (I think restarted):

And if that isn't the real problem, post your question on that group.

Diane Ross

Lost the ability to cut and paste from entourage emails to anything
else? I am running tiger 10.4.7 and Office 2004. For some unknown
reason I have lost the ability to cut/copy and paste text??
Any ideas as to why?

See if selecting the menu option under Edit works. Loss of keyboard
shortcuts is a known problem. This problem affects other applications also.
I find that switching from Entourage to the Finder and back will often
restore the use of shortcuts. Other times I have to quit and restart
Entourage to get them back.

The exact cause of this problem has not been identified.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
The Entourage Blog lists the EHP as one of the top five Microsoft Entourage

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