Lost Word Password



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel Is there any software out there that can crack my own passwords on a couple of older word docs? I stupidly cannot remember where I wrote this password down! I can only locate software that works for PC's but nothing for the MAC. HELP!

Rob Schneider

Re if there is software "out there", some people say there is. I'd like
to think that with a strong enough password there is no software or
hardware out there that will crack it. that's the point of encryption.

Your are probably out of luck even if you can find that so-called
cracking software.



John McGhie

The file format for the Mac is exactly the same as the file format for the
PC, so the software that cracks PC docs will also crack Mac docs.

If you are entirely comfortable giving your credit card details to someone
who cracks passwords for a living, there are a variety of "services" out
there who will offer the service.

The software that runs locally is not capable of cracking the full-strength
passwords used in the USA. There were two forms of encryption used on the
older docs: 56 bit and 128 bit. The 128 bit was always used in the USA.

There are two forms of cracker: the one you can buy is a "brute force"
cracker that would not normally crack a password longer than 4 characters in
under a week, even if it was the only thing running on a very powerful

The ones that are more likely to succeed run on an array of servers: you
send them the document (and your credit card details...) and they send you
back the key and your document decoded.

I will leave it to your imagination what else they might do with those
details: I have never been that brave :)


Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel Is
there any software out there that can crack my own passwords on a couple of
older word docs? I stupidly cannot remember where I wrote this password down!
I can only locate software that works for PC's but nothing for the MAC. HELP!

This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!


.... And they don't guarantee success ‹ even if they fail you still pay :)

The ones that are more likely to succeed run on an array of servers: you
send them the document (and your credit card details...) and they send you
back the key and your document decoded.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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