Lotus 123 Navigation


Doofus Downunder

Until now I have been using Excel 2002 and was able to use my combination of
Excel and Lotus commands to get around very effectively.

I was able to access the Lotus commands by setting the menu Help/Lotus 1-2-3
Help/ to Demo.

I also had ticked Tool/Options/Transition/ Transition Navigation Keys and
applied the forward slash as the menu key for Lotus 123 Help.

I haven't been able to find these features in 2003. Can anyone tell me
where to find them?


like you, i too was a long time lotus user. microsoft has been slowly
abandoning lotus. they stopped file support at wk4 which was R5. 123 format
file didn't appear untill 2000. I have xl2003 and i think in xl2003,
microsoft finally discontinued lotus help. or at least i can't find it either.
you know what i miss the most. the classic keyboard menu. no mouse required.


Jim Rech

i think in xl2003, microsoft finally discontinued lotus help

Yes it's gone. And in Excel 2007 all Lotus file support is history.

| hi,
| like you, i too was a long time lotus user. microsoft has been slowly
| abandoning lotus. they stopped file support at wk4 which was R5. 123
| file didn't appear untill 2000. I have xl2003 and i think in xl2003,
| microsoft finally discontinued lotus help. or at least i can't find it
| you know what i miss the most. the classic keyboard menu. no mouse
| sigh.
| FSt1
| "Doofus Downunder" wrote:
| > Until now I have been using Excel 2002 and was able to use my
combination of
| > Excel and Lotus commands to get around very effectively.
| >
| > I was able to access the Lotus commands by setting the menu Help/Lotus
| > Help/ to Demo.
| >
| > I also had ticked Tool/Options/Transition/ Transition Navigation Keys
| > applied the forward slash as the menu key for Lotus 123 Help.
| >
| > I haven't been able to find these features in 2003. Can anyone tell me
| > where to find them?
| >
| >

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