lotus emulation


Bill Williams

I would like to be able to use the Lotus keystrokes, with which I am
familiar, in Excel. I have selected Tools/Options/Transition to no avail! HELP

David McRitchie

Hi Bill,
There are three options to check there besides the 1-2-3 Help. . But
I would suggest that you uncheck them all and use the Microsoft Excel menus.

It might take you a week to get used to Excel, but you will be using Excel
and not what Lotus 1-2-3 was twelve years ago. Getting help here would
assume that you are using Excel not a transition version. It would be more
frustrating to you to decide not to use Excel properly and as a result to not
be able to do what you want or need to do in Excel.. The macros in
Excel are much more powerful than the old keystroke macros.

I might be helpful to see the Excel shortcuts all on one page
and just because Excel messed up a couple of shortcuts (make that
3 if in Excel 2003) doesn't mean the 1-2-3 shortcuts are better.

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