Lower security level on access 2003


Jim Dublin

This is a repeat.......I was offered the suggestion from
John Parkinson that I save it in 2003 format and that
would clear the problem but it doesnt seem to help. Any

The original.....

I have just installed Access 2003. When I open a
database, I get a warning message about possible viruses,
which I override and open the db anyway.

When I do calculated controls in forms or reports the
calculations do not run but if I install acopy of the db
on XP or 2000 they run fine.

I have looked at the help notes and they suggest I run
the DB in a low security environment or in sandbox mode.
I am instructed to use command "Tools/Macro/Security/Low"
to correct the problem.

However, when I go to tools/macro there is no
subcommand "Security" in which to adjust my settings.

Please advise me ......what am I missing out to set my
security to low ??? Thanks in advance



To get the security option to show one sometimes has to
reset their toolbars and menus... Go to Tools...
Customize.. Select the options with checkmarks and click
the Reset button. Once doing that the option Security
should be availabe to you.

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