Mac browsers


Andrew Murray

Don said:
How do I format Frontpage 2003 for Mac browsers?

What kind of trouble are you having displaying web pages - and in what
browsers? Please report back, so the members here, who may have Macs can
give some ideas and suggestions. I will start the ball rolling:

1) It's advisable not to use the following Frontpage components as they do
not display correctly in all browsers or across all platforms:
a) Word Art
b) Drawing tools (the autoshapes, and boxes etc)
c) the Photo Gallery - this mainly works in IE for Windows, but
unpredictably in any other browser whether Windows or other platform.

FP was designed to create web pages for Windows primarily and and seems to
focuses more on IE browsers rather than expand out to accommodate other
browsers and platforms.

Another suggestion:

Expression Web (the new, replacement product for Frontpage) offers
standards-compliant coding, which would go a long way to getting your pages
to work correctly in Macintosh browsers.

A third suggestion is to learn a little HTML and CSS which will help in a
big way, to understand how

1) to gain a basic understanding of how web pages work; to see what the
HTML code is doing to create the page you see in a browser.

2) with the above knowledge, it will allow you to create web pages that
will reliably show correctly in a wider range of browsers and across
different operating system platforms.

You don't have to use all the advanced features of Expression Web, it is
perfectly OK to create basic web pages but the beauty of the package is that
in the long run in makes a developer's job (whether professional or
amateur/hobbyist) a lot easier.

Microsoft offer a sixty day trial of Expression Web - you could try it out
and see for yourself, if it is the type of thing that might make your work
a little easier:

Hope this gives you some ideas to solve the issues you are having.


Thank you for the information Andrew. The primary problem that I'm having is
formatting of the web pages. Photo's and navigation bars are not set in
place. In windows, the page content are neat and in place where with Mac
Browsers the page content are all over the place. Thanks for any and all
good advice.

Thanks you



Have you got a copy of FireFox - if not, download it from

This browser is similar (but not the same) as Safari in Macs, but will
display many of the same problems that Safari does.

As far as actual help with your display problems goes - we will have to
see the page to see the problem, a link will help.

Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

Andrew Murray

To further respond to your question:

How are you laying out the pages?

If you're not using CSS, tables would be the next best thing (with "0" width
borders) to layout and position everything. With Frontpage, drawing the
tables is easy.

2 other points:

a) I'm not sure how you're positioning things on the page, but avoid
"absolute positioning" and layers
b) Don't use the space bar to move things into position. (This will cause
the page objects to move around/out of place as you are experiencing)

As Ronx points out, a link to your page will help diagnose the issues.

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