On my installation of Excel 2008, the keyboard shortcut works as described.
What I want to do is change the edit cell shortcut from ctrl+U to F2 or
something like that. I can't find that command in the list of commands to
assign to another keystroke. I try assigning Ctrl+U to another command and I
get a dialog box that says:
"That key combination is already in use for .
Reassign it to the selected command?" Buttons: Cancel, OK
So I don't even get a name in that warning dialog. Any help?
Unfortunately THAT particular command (Edit cell) is not assignable
directly (I think because it's an interface command, not built-in
command, but I could be wrong).
For XL04 and earlier, you can use VBA:
For XL08, here's a kludge:
Paste this script into Script Editor:
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
execute command bar control 3 of ¬
command bar "Formula Bar"
end tell
(This assumes you haven't modified your stock Formula Bar - if you have,
you'll have to adjust).
Save the script to the "Excel Script Menu Items" folder of the MUD
("Microsoft User Documents") folder in your home Documents folder, with
the name "F2.scpt".
Now open the System Preferences/Keyboard & Mouse/Keyboard Shortcuts
pane. Click the '+' control. In the Applications dropdown, select Other
(since XL is in a folder within the Applications folder), navigate to
the "Microsoft Office 2008" folder, and choose "Microsoft Excel.app"
In the Menu TItle: input box enter
Select the Keyboard Shortcut input box and press the F2 key. Click Add.