Mac Office changes input language all the time



For instance, you type a letter and then you decide to come back and
change one word - mac changes the input language. Or you press enter
and start from the next line - it changes again the language. It is
Do you know what might be the problem ?


Thank you, but I couldn't figure out how that can help me.

P. 41 talks about setting the language via Format. Have you set yours
to Russian?

"Format menu >> Style... >> scroll to Normal and select >> if the language
that appears under "Description" isn't what you want, click the
"Modify" button >> Format button >> Language >> select the language you
want to use for Normal >> OK >> tick "Add to template" box, ensure
"Automatically update" box is un-ticked >> OK >> Apply.


P. 41 talks about setting the language via Format. Have you set yours
to Russian?

"Format menu >> Style... >> scroll to Normal and select >> if the language
that appears under "Description" isn't what you want, click the
"Modify" button >> Format button >> Language >> select the language you
want to use for Normal >> OK >> tick "Add to template" box, ensure
"Automatically update" box is un-ticked >> OK >> Apply.

Thank you!



I have the same problem. Amd the solution provided by "thg" doesn't work for me. I have a Spanish version of Office 2008, running on a Mac OS X 10.5.2 with a Spanish keyboard, but I want my default laguage for Office to stick to English.
I've tried:
1. Tools>Language>chose "American English">click "Set as default">Close.
2. Format>Style>Select "Normal" from the Stiles list>Click modify>Click "Format"> Select American English as "Language"> Close> Click "ad to template"> Accept>Aply.

Neither method works for me. And besides that under "Description" doesnt show ANY language -not before setting the new language, neither afetr.

Any Help?

Thanks in Advance




Maybe I have the answer for my question. The procedure works when the English Language I choose is British English. It sticks. Aparently the English Dictionary on my Proofing tools folder is the British one.

But what if what I want is the American English One? Which version of Office should I buy?

Thanks in advance,



Maybe I have the answer for my question. The procedure works when the English
Language I choose is British English. It sticks. Aparently the English
Dictionary on my Proofing tools folder is the British one.

But what if what I want is the American English One? Which version of Office
should I buy?

I had this problem -- I have the North American version. For some reason
it suddenly changed everything from English (US) to English (AUS).

I did a lot of trial and error to try and get it back to English (US). I
wish I could tell you the exact steps I took, but I was just trying
everything and anything I could think of.

What I discovered was English (US) just would not "stick."

French Canadian worked, English (UK) worked, so it looks to me like
there is some kind of bug in English (US).

In the end, I managed to get it to stick to English (UK) by creating new
blank documents, saving them and quitting the program.

Then (I think) I launched the program by double-clicking the file I'd
saved. And repeated the process -- this time changing the default
language to English (US) and saving the document. Quit the program then
launched it... in any case you can get what you want, but it will
probably take a good deal of trial and error.

John McGhie

We do have a few nasty bugs in this mechanism for Word 2008 currently.

You could try the following. I haven't tried it on a language problem, but
it cleans out all the "Preference" files. One problem I have is that I
cannot discover what preferences are stored in which files...

1) Make sure that Mac OS X is set to the language you want to use. Open
the International control panel and set things up to be in the keyboard and
language you want. When you do this next bit, Word will pick up the System
language as its default.

2) Quit all Microsoft applications.

3) Track down all instances of pre-2008 Normal template on your computer,
and drag them to your desktop. The file is called simply "Normal" and has
no extension.

4) Find and drag the file Normal.dotm to your desktop. Unless you have
moved it, it should be in
/Users/ ~ /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates/

5) If the following files exist, Remove or rename them:

~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Word Settings (10)

~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Word Settings (11)


User/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office 2008 (the whole folder!)

6) Now re-start Word 2008 and it should be OK.

Be thorough with this, if you leave any of these files behind Word 2008 will
find them and won't replace them. Do it right and Word will construct a
new, clean, set of preferences and everything will hopefully now work.

From now, take care when changing keyboards. Word will usually switch
language when you change keyboards. Make sure you put it back to your
default language before quitting it.

Hope this helps

I had this problem -- I have the North American version. For some reason
it suddenly changed everything from English (US) to English (AUS).

I did a lot of trial and error to try and get it back to English (US). I
wish I could tell you the exact steps I took, but I was just trying
everything and anything I could think of.

What I discovered was English (US) just would not "stick."

French Canadian worked, English (UK) worked, so it looks to me like
there is some kind of bug in English (US).

In the end, I managed to get it to stick to English (UK) by creating new
blank documents, saving them and quitting the program.

Then (I think) I launched the program by double-clicking the file I'd
saved. And repeated the process -- this time changing the default
language to English (US) and saving the document. Quit the program then
launched it... in any case you can get what you want, but it will
probably take a good deal of trial and error.

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

Daiya Mitchell

I doubt this will help--but be sure that Word | Preferences | Edit |
"match font to keyboard" is UNchecked.

However, as John McGhie said, this is due to a bug. It's not that the
English Dictionary you have is the British one--you've got the right
files and buying something won't help--it's just not working right.

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