Paul Seymour
There's a major limitation in the cross-platform compatibility of
PowerPoint. If you add animations to your presentation on a Mac, as animated
GIFs or QuickTime movies, these animations will not work on a PC. The only
workaround is to move your animations and your presentation over to a PC,
and then manually add them in there.
Microsoft and some of its MVPs expend a fair amount of energy to prevent
this limitation from becoming widely known. On this board, I've seen quite a
number of users reporting this problem, and receive "solutions" from the
MVPs which will not solve the problem at all. Eventually, they give up or
find a different way of doing it, but rarely do they post back here what
they did in the end. So here's the answer to all of you having troubles with
PowerPoint. If you add animations to your presentation on a Mac, as animated
GIFs or QuickTime movies, these animations will not work on a PC. The only
workaround is to move your animations and your presentation over to a PC,
and then manually add them in there.
Microsoft and some of its MVPs expend a fair amount of energy to prevent
this limitation from becoming widely known. On this board, I've seen quite a
number of users reporting this problem, and receive "solutions" from the
MVPs which will not solve the problem at all. Eventually, they give up or
find a different way of doing it, but rarely do they post back here what
they did in the end. So here's the answer to all of you having troubles with