Mac System support



Is there any way to get Mac systems using Groove? I had seen a seb based
product and with the old Groove Forums could find the link but the newsgroup
does not have the older postings!


I think the Virtual PC thingy on your Mac may work with Groove (running
under the PC window).
(There are quite a few such installations within GN itself!).



Dear Michael,

First of all, I am sorry to tell you that we do not have the Mac platform
for Groove so far. Currently, Groove Virtual Office runs only in the Windows
environment. We continue to assess the opportunity to justify other platform
investments, and our plan to support the Mac platform will be based on
customer demand from our target markets. Right now, the vast majority of our
customer and prospect base is Windows based.

Based on my experience, we can emulate Groove on your Macintosh by using
Virtual PC software. We can first install a Windows system in Virtual PC and
then we can install and use Groove normally in this virtual system on the Mac.

For the information about Virtual PC, we can see

Meanwhile, Performance will suffer somewhat and your Mac will need a
significant amount of RAM, but our customers have found this to be an
acceptable alternative.

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