Mac users cannot view pics on my page - Fix?


tea Athrawes

I just finished creating a web page using publisher2003. I got it loaded up
and everyone who looks at it from a PC thinks it is great. Everyone who
looks at it from a Mac cannot see any of the pictures. Is there anyway to
correct this problem? The page is a professional page heavily dependent on
the photos and many of the potential viewers will be educational institutions
who more than likely will be using Macs.

JoAnn Paules [MSFT MVP]

Publisher isn't always multi-browser compatible. Since you know or suspect
that a lot of your target audience are going to be Mac users, I'd suggest
you purchase Front Page and start from scratch.

I know this isn't the answer you wanted but it's like pulling a band-aid
off. You just need to rip it off and get it over with quickly.

David Bartosik

Pub2003 codes some pretty complex logic and includes VML in order to use
different copies of your images with different browsers. Some browsers don't
like the logic and/or the VML.
Such a browser would certainly be Safari. A Mac user will likely use the
Safari browser, Apples own browser. I've seen Safari choke on plenty of non
Publisher built sites btw.
Under Publisher's web options you can turn off PNG and VML options and
republish and see if that helps out with Safari any.
The Mac usually also has IE installed. That will usually work much better.
But Publisher is not well suited for optimal browser and cross platform

Hollywood, California

Can I ask you JoAnn about this problem. I am going to try a MS 30 day trial
before I buy. Will this solve he problem but be as simple to create pages as
Publisher? Also, can I transfer my existing pages out of Publisher, or at
least recreate them so they look alike. My site is I
appreciate any advice you might have since I have only recently learned how
simple Publisher is compared to the multitude of web site design programs
which are more complicated and not sophisticated. Thank you very much.

JoAnn Paules said:
Publisher isn't always multi-browser compatible. Since you know or suspect
that a lot of your target audience are going to be Mac users, I'd suggest
you purchase Front Page and start from scratch.

I know this isn't the answer you wanted but it's like pulling a band-aid
off. You just need to rip it off and get it over with quickly.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

tea Athrawes said:
I just finished creating a web page using publisher2003. I got it loaded
and everyone who looks at it from a PC thinks it is great. Everyone who
looks at it from a Mac cannot see any of the pictures. Is there anyway to
correct this problem? The page is a professional page heavily dependent
the photos and many of the potential viewers will be educational
who more than likely will be using Macs.

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