mac:word 04/08 random removal of spaces


John McGhie

Short: Known bug, fixed in SP 1

Long: Known bug, for which a fix is included in Service Pack 1, which will
be with you in June/July (maybe a little sooner).

Update 12.1.0 (Service pack 1) is in testing now. Assuming that no new bugs
are found, it will release soon. I'm hedging on the dates because it's a
huge and complex service pack with a lot that could go wrong.



mac:word removes spaces from documents randomly.


At first I thought it might be an issue with windows:word 07 users and
mac:word 04/08 users working on the same documents; however, I have
had several instances were a mac:word 04/08 document that is created,
edited, saved and re-opened on OSX without interaction with Windows;
has spaces throughout randomly removed.

the sentence: the cow jumped over the moon

becomes: thecowjumped over themoon

I have created two documents, one standard no modified styles and one
with modified styles. Filled the documents with the text:

The cow jumps over the moon.

Passing both documents backwards and forwards to OSX and Windows,
opening, editing and closing and I can't re-create the issue in either

I followed the instructions at
for recreating the preferences and repeated the above steps, still
can't re-create the issue. Oddly enough, the words do NOT appear as
misspelt (i.e no red squiggly line) in Windows or OSX. If you manually
preform a spell check they are picked up. This can happen if I author
a document, save it and re-open locally, so I did manage to rule
Windows out of the equation.

There are other users who have the same problem. There just hard to
find as when you google osx/leopard/mac:word and append spaces, you
have to sift through a lot of problems related to spaces itself.

I have two macbook pro laptops, both with installs of 2004, upgraded
to 2008 on them and both suffer the same issues. Neither have been
customised beyond introducing and modifying various styles.

Again as this is random, it is difficult to re-create consistently.
Most annoyingly it is my Windows colleagues that notice it more than
myself and thus leads to slurs of abuse in regards to introducing OSX
into the enterprise ;0

Any help is appreciated.


OSX Leopard 10.5.2
mac:word 2008 v12.0.1 (08305)
mac:word 2004

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:[email protected]



mac:word removes spaces from documents randomly.


At first I thought it might be an issue with windows:word 07 users and
mac:word 04/08 users working on the same documents; however, I have
had several instances were a mac:word 04/08 document that is created,
edited, saved and re-opened on OSX without interaction with Windows;
has spaces throughout randomly removed.

the sentence: the cow jumped over the moon

becomes: thecowjumped over themoon

I have created two documents, one standard no modified styles and one
with modified styles. Filled the documents with the text:

The cow jumps over the moon.

Passing both documents backwards and forwards to OSX and Windows,
opening, editing and closing and I can't re-create the issue in either

I followed the instructions at
for recreating the preferences and repeated the above steps, still
can't re-create the issue. Oddly enough, the words do NOT appear as
misspelt (i.e no red squiggly line) in Windows or OSX. If you manually
preform a spell check they are picked up. This can happen if I author
a document, save it and re-open locally, so I did manage to rule
Windows out of the equation.

There are other users who have the same problem. There just hard to
find as when you google osx/leopard/mac:word and append spaces, you
have to sift through a lot of problems related to spaces itself.

I have two macbook pro laptops, both with installs of 2004, upgraded
to 2008 on them and both suffer the same issues. Neither have been
customised beyond introducing and modifying various styles.

Again as this is random, it is difficult to re-create consistently.
Most annoyingly it is my Windows colleagues that notice it more than
myself and thus leads to slurs of abuse in regards to introducing OSX
into the enterprise ;0

Any help is appreciated.


OSX Leopard 10.5.2
mac:word 2008 v12.0.1 (08305)
mac:word 2004



mac:wordremoves spaces from documents randomly.


At first I thought it might be an issue with windows:word07 users and
mac:word04/08 users working on the same documents; however, I have
had several instances were a mac:word04/08 document that is created,
edited, saved and re-opened on OSX without interaction with Windows;
has spaces throughout randomly removed.

the sentence: the cow jumped over the moon

becomes: thecowjumped over themoon

I have created two documents, one standard no modified styles and one
with modified styles. Filled the documents with the text:

The cow jumps over the moon.

Passing both documents backwards and forwards to OSX and Windows,
opening, editing and closing and I can't re-create the issue in either

I followed the instructions at
for recreating the preferences and repeated the above steps, still
can't re-create the issue. Oddly enough, the words do NOT appear as
misspelt (i.e no red squiggly line) in Windows or OSX. If you manually
preform a spell check they are picked up. This can happen if I author
a document, save it and re-open locally, so I did manage to rule
Windows out of the equation.

There are other users who have the same problem. There just hard to
find as when you google osx/leopard/mac:wordand append spaces, you
have to sift through a lot of problems related to spaces itself.

I have two macbook pro laptops, both with installs of 2004, upgraded
to 2008 on them and both suffer the same issues. Neither have been
customised beyond introducing and modifying various styles.

Again as this is random, it is difficult to re-create consistently.
Most annoyingly it is my Windows colleagues that notice it more than
myself and thus leads to slurs of abuse in regards to introducing OSX
into the enterprise ;0

Any help is appreciated.


OSX Leopard 10.5.2
mac:word2008 v12.0.1 (08305)


There is a tool called Advanced Word Repair. I have used it to repair
many corrupt Word documents on my damaged disks successfully. Its
homepage is


John McGhie

This idiot is trying again with a new email address.

His product is still crap! It doesn't work on a Mac, so we don't need to
bother even looking. But any software vendor that can't tell the difference
between a Mac and a PC obviously makes bad products you would not want to


There is a tool called Advanced Word Repair. I have used it to repair
many corrupt Word documents on my damaged disks successfully. Its
homepage is



Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. mailto:[email protected]


Short: SP1 did not remove the bug.

Long: On Mac OS X Leopard I am running word:mac 2008 version 12.1.0 (080409) and on vista business I am running Word 2007 (12.0.6311.5000) SP1 MSO (12.0.6213.1000).

A document which I am editing on a daily basis and started on the mac before SP1 came out now runs at over 200 pages. This document resides on a network server so is opened on whichever platform is available to me.

Always when I move the document from one platform to another spaces are lost between words and I am spending valuable time editing the file before I can actually work on it.

I am wondering why SP1 did not correct this bug and how much longer I have to put up with it?

Daiya Mitchell

Other people are reporting that saving in Word 2004 .doc format avoids
this problem.

It's a bit of waste of time to ask "why" and "when" here---this group is
much better on "what" and "how".


Thanks. Your suggestion worked although doubled the file size.

Guess it's all those spaces word keeps in the document now ;-)

Thanks again.

John McGhie

{Giggle} The .doc format is indeed twice the size of the .docx format (more
like four times the size, depending what is in the document....)

That's one of the reasons for the change to the new format.

There is a fix coming for the missing spaces problem: it is still in testing
but we can expect it "soon".


Thanks. Your suggestion worked although doubled the file size.

Guess it's all those spaces word keeps in the document now ;-)

Thanks again.

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:[email protected]

Lynn Gregory

I'm another user having a major problem with the spacing in Word docs that have to move between a Mac and a PC. I don't have an option to use the older .doc format. The protocol for my environment requires .docx.

Very frustrating to have so many random problems generated in a long document, and then not to have the spell check feature be able spot them.

Is the fix needed for Word on the Mac or the PC? While I wait for the fix, is there anything else I can or should do?

Eric Tiffany

I'm another user having a major problem with the spacing in Word docs that
have to move between a Mac and a PC. I don't have an option to use the older
.doc format. The protocol for my environment requires .docx.

Very frustrating to have so many random problems generated in a long document,
and then not to have the spell check feature be able spot them.

Is the fix needed for Word on the Mac or the PC? While I wait for the fix, is
there anything else I can or should do?

Use OpenOffice ( ) ?


I'm having this exact same problem and it's driving me nuts. I also have a large document (260 pages) that I share with a PC on a daily basis.

In general I'm seeing the same words running together over and over. I've tried going back to .doc and it hasn't helped at all.

This is a critical issue. We can't make progress if we have to spend an hour each time fixing the same spacing problems over and over!

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