MAC WORD 2004 - Data Merge Manager not in tools menu



Using MAC WORD 2004

I'm trying to do a mail merge and in the help section, and a variety of
other places online, it says to go to the Data Merge Manager under the tools
menu. There is no Data Merge Manager, only something that says, "Merge
Documents." And that's not working, it says there's a conflicting formatting
change with the csv file, then it imports all the info all messed up, without
allowing me to insert fields where I want them to be.

Please help.

PS. What I'm actually doing is trying to take the Address Book from
Entourage and print it on filofax (3.5 x 5.75) paper for an Address Book.
I've found a bunch of Address Book programs for the PC that easily do this,
but nothing for the MAC, so I'm trying to create one myself by created a doc
to look like this:
Code: 930200

So if anyone knows of an Address book printing software that would work on
MAC, that would be most helpful.

Peter Jamieson

A quote from a response by Daiya Mitchell over in the the group:

Make sure you didn't accidentally turn on "Word 5.1 Menus". Look under View
to see if there's a check next to that option, uncheck if so.

If that isn't the problem:

If you go to Tools | Customize Toolbars/Menus, select the Menu Bar, and
click Reset, it should set all your main menus and built-in toolbars back to
the default.


Thanks for your response. I actually found the Data Merge Manager under File
instead of Tools. Now I'm working on a template in Word to Data Merge.

Another problem came up:

I exported my Entourage Address Book to a CSV file. When I do a data merge,
it comes up with an error that says: "Record 16 does not have the same number
as the first row in ContactsExport.csv. Ensure all the records have the same
number of fields."

So I deleted all columns after the last one with a header. I even deleted
row 16 and saved under a different file name, then reopened in the data
merge, and it came up with the same error. (FYI there are 1465 records/rows
of contacts)

Peter Jamieson

1. In this case, could you connect to the Office Address Book instead of
exporting (I think that you get a reduced number of fields).

2. When you export, do you get a tab-delimited file? I find here that I have
to add a column to the header to get the number of fields in the records to
match the number in the header. However, I have not yet worked out which
column is missing (The last one here is "Interests").

3. I would look for two types of problem in the data:
a. use of delimiter characters (either tab or, more likely I think, Enter,
or possibly even double-quote characters) in the data itself. Entourage does
not appear to export tabs that occur in the data but I haven't checked what
happens with any of the other possibilities
b. very long lines, if your Address book/Contacts entries have lots of
information in them.

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