Mac word 2004 / word 2002 XP compatibility



I have tried to save a Mac Word 2004, v.11.3.4 document so that it can
be read by a recipient who has Word on a XP/PC platform. I make sure
the document has a .doc extension, and is not compressed; I attach it
to an email I send through Thunderbird. She claims that it is not
readable, and that "Macintosh Word documents she receives are never
cross-platform compatible."

I've tried endlessly to select the Word 2002 XP format under
"Compatibiliy" in the Preferences menu to no success. The
compatibility checker still comes up with the "Word 6.0/95
compatibility options are set" notice. When I go back to check the
Compatibility options, they have changed to "custom." I have gone
through this same process MANY times, with the same results. What is
wrong?? Why can't she open Mac Word documents? Why does her IT support
this claim???

Thanks in advance for any help!


Most likely her "IT" supports the claim because their Exchange Server system
is configured poorly and they either (a) don't know it or (b) won't admit
it. Therefore it's hacking the attachment to bits.

Zip the file before you email it (Control+Click the file in a finder window
choose Stuffit>Mail>Zip & Mail), instruct her to save the file to her hard
drive & open it from there rather than trying to open the attachment
directly from the email client (most likely Outlook?).

BTW - all the plunking you've been doing in Compatibility Prefs will not
change anything in outgoing docs. Those settings determine the feature set
used internally by Word based on features of prior versions. The doc file
format for PC & Mac is the same & has been for eons. As long as you're using
the ".doc" extn there shouldn't be a problem - in fact, the extn isn't even
required anymore if everything is right otherwise.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Stuart Weylandsmith

I too get a compatibility error when checking my word documents. It keeps
telling me to set the preferences to Word 2003 or X but it refuses to do
this - keeps returning to Word 6.0/95.

Can you explain the issue a little more fully - or do I just ignore this
aspect of the compatibility check?

Am using 11.3.4 with OSX 10.4.9 on an intel MacBook. I'm using this on a
Windows 2003 Smll Business Server network where practically every other user
is using Windows XP and Office 2003.


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