I've used Word since version one for DOS and was an alpha tester for the
first Word for Windows, so I'm not a total dunce. But for the life of me, I
cannot figure how to place in the footer "Page X of Y (total pages)". For at
least the last 10 years, plus in Mac Word 2004, I could open the footer and
insert this feature easily. I've looked everywhere I can think of for
information on how to do this in Mac Word 2008 to no blessed avail!! Why
trying to do something that was so easy in previous versions of Word can
possibly be viewed as an "enhancement" is a mystery to me. This is not the
only example of Microsoft's excruciatingly frustrating "enhancements". If
anyone can help with this particular frustration I would be eternally
first Word for Windows, so I'm not a total dunce. But for the life of me, I
cannot figure how to place in the footer "Page X of Y (total pages)". For at
least the last 10 years, plus in Mac Word 2004, I could open the footer and
insert this feature easily. I've looked everywhere I can think of for
information on how to do this in Mac Word 2008 to no blessed avail!! Why
trying to do something that was so easy in previous versions of Word can
possibly be viewed as an "enhancement" is a mystery to me. This is not the
only example of Microsoft's excruciatingly frustrating "enhancements". If
anyone can help with this particular frustration I would be eternally