


When I start Excel it tells me a lot "Cannot find" and the opens two files called mach and mach.sym.

I close them and all works fine. What is this? A bug?

Bob Greenblatt

When I start Excel it tells me a lot "Cannot find" and the opens two files
called mach and mach.sym.

I close them and all works fine. What is this? A bug?
I never heard of these files, have you? Can you find them on your hard
drive? Does this happen when you start Excel from the dock, or when you open
a specific file? If Excel can¹t find them, how do you close them. Please
explain in a little more detail what is really happening. What are you
doing, step by step, and what is Excel doing or not doing) in response.


No I have never heard of them Spotlight does not find them. They are Read-only and look like some sort of programming in text (not Excel).
It only happens at Startup.
The sequence is: Starting Excel
Open mach and mach.sym
Sign: Harddrive:Users:peter could not be found.
mach.sym in the foreground [read-only]
I close it.
mach in the foreground [read-only]
I close it. Ask for save. I choose Don't Save.
I get a blank screen and Excel running. Everything is normal.

Bob Greenblatt

No I have never heard of them Spotlight does not find them. They are Read-only
and look like some sort of programming in text (not Excel).
It only happens at Startup.
The sequence is: Starting Excel
Open mach and mach.sym
Sign: Harddrive:Users:peter could not be found.
mach.sym in the foreground [read-only]
I close it.
mach in the foreground [read-only]
I close it. Ask for save. I choose Don't Save.
I get a blank screen and Excel running. Everything is normal.
Who¹s peter? Sounds like this workbook came from windows, and has links to
these other sheets. Can you email me a screen shot of what this looks like.
At each step. Thanks.


Peter is I. Excel is looking for my part as a user of the Harddrive. And it exists.

I will e-mail the shots in an e-mail.



I found the reason myself - and it is a bug:
In Preferences:General I had put a preferred file locaton: Fladmast:Users:peter:Documents
and somehow Excel could not read this.

Neither could it read a location for: At startup open files in:

When these two are blank everything goes fine.

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