Machine work load



I would like help with a spreadsheet that would show Cnc machine work
load per machine .

Number of Hours and Minutes that are required to complete scheduled work .
Lets say 2 machines involved,, laser1 and laser2 .

So 2 directory's ,, laser1 and laser1 .
Each directory could have 5 to 15 programs each ready to run .
Files are text files .. just G-code .

Example p1234, p2234, p3344 .

Inside top few lines of each program would have the info required to fill
the excel chart..
example of program

( Machine : laser1 )
( Program name : P1234 )
( Post date : 02/25/06 )
( Required run time : 2:12:20 )
( Sheets required : 1 )

Line 6 of program would be multiplied by line 7 for total run time if
program is required to repeat.

The sheet would show , machine , program name , post date , run time ,
sheets required

A total of requireed run time per program per machine as well as total run
time required for
all programs in each machine directory..



Hi Rod,

Here's a few suggestions:

1. Use a filelister to make the list for each folder on a separate worksheet.
This should include entering the folder's path somewhere on the sheet.

2. Name each sheet for the machine.
This could also be the foldername, and the filelister could name it that by

3. The format you've used for the comments in the code file is okay,
but you could make it a bit easier to work with. Here's some suggestions:

a. Since the program name IS the filename, a separate comment is redundant.
The filelister will already list the filename.
b. You might be better off without all the spaces and the " : " separator.
Text manipulation would be easier if done something like this:
(Machine Laser1)
(PostDate 02/25/06)
(ReqdCycleTime 2:12:20) '**note ":" is part of time format
(Repeats 1)

4. Set up column headers for each, something like:
Program Machine Post Date Cycle Time Repeats Total
Run Time

5. Have the filelister populate cells something like this:
P0001 Laser1 02/25/2006 2:12:20 1
P0002 Laser1 02/25/2006 1:44:38 2

6. Set up your totals above the header row so they're always visible when
(assumes FreezePanes is used at the row below the header)
Totals: 3:56:58
Program Machine Post Date Cycle Time Repeats Total
Run Time

It's interesting that you include the cycle time in the program info area. I
have a Cnc FileManager add-in that I use for keeping file info which I store
in file properties. This allows me, for example, to look at them in Windows
Explorer and see a Title (more than just a list of meaningless numbered
filenames). It displays a description in the explorer listview pane for each
program, exactly as the machine controller displays it. You could add this to
your files in place of the (ProgramName P0001) comment. My add-in requires it
be the first comment in the file, otherwise I could probably modify it to
include the additional info. I think working with the cycle time is great for
scheduling. We get it from the job ticket right now, as "actual" time spent
"setup-to-teardown". We find this necessary for accurate
pricing/costing/quoting because every job has different requirements, all of
which relate to the "job cycle".

Anyway, I hope this is helpful.
Good luck,

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