Macro actions and how they execute



When executing several action queries in a macro, does the macro run each
query only after the preceeding query has COMPLETED? I can't find any
documentation in precise terms; only that they execute in order listed. Any
knowledge base articles or documentation would be helpful. Thanks.

Steve Schapel


I don't know of any specific documentation on this. But it has
certainly been my understanding and my experience that an action query
run by an OpenQuery macro action will complete before the next macro
action is executed.


Steve Schapel said:

I don't know of any specific documentation on this. But it has
certainly been my understanding and my experience that an action query
run by an OpenQuery macro action will complete before the next macro
action is executed.

Thankyou Steve. I appreciate the response. What prompted the initial
question was that I have been encountering situations where updates to data
via an update query don't complete on data that should exist as a result of
an append query that executes prior to the update query. Upon further
review, these queries were called by two seperate macros, macro1_apnd and
macro2_updt, which were called in that order consequtively by a VBA module .
Odd thing is, that out of the approx 400 rows I update, 3 to 4 rows get left
out of the update, but the kicker is that a value of a column in the
NON-updated rows gets used elsewhere in a subsequent action where it appears
to have held an updated value but simply didn't get written to disk.
Possible contention between the update and the subsequent action, being that
the queries were called independantly from seperate macros from VBA code?
Disk caching issue? I don't know, but I am going to put both queries and the
subsequent action into one macro and execute from there.

Thanks again.

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