David P.
Help in spelling out a macro that will do what is written below would be
greatly appreciated. It is a macro that allows me to create another macro
that I paste in a module (I wanted to explain that so as to clear up any
confusion on the verbage used below). My desire is not to have someone do the
work for me necessarily (that would be great though) but mainly to
demonstrate how to do the pauses.
Select the sheet "Template"
Copy that sheet and move to the end
On that copied sheet:
Message box that says "Type in files to be edited starting from M5"
Select Cell M5
Pause here to allow for editing
Click the pause button to restart the macro after editing to do:
Message box that says "Paste code starting from A15"
Select Cell A15
Pause here to allow for editing
Click the pause button to restart the macro after editing to do:
Select all of that sheet
Paste Values
Select Column A
Goto / Special / Constants - Selecting Numbers only
Delete the resulting cells moving rows up
Select Column A
Goto / Special / Blanks
Delete the resulting cells moving rows up
Find the cell whos value equals "XX"
Select the row of that cell all the way down to row 5000
Delete select rows
Type "End Sub" in the active cell
Delete Columns M through Z
Select all of that sheet
Message box that says "Paste copied code in module"
End Sub
greatly appreciated. It is a macro that allows me to create another macro
that I paste in a module (I wanted to explain that so as to clear up any
confusion on the verbage used below). My desire is not to have someone do the
work for me necessarily (that would be great though) but mainly to
demonstrate how to do the pauses.
Select the sheet "Template"
Copy that sheet and move to the end
On that copied sheet:
Message box that says "Type in files to be edited starting from M5"
Select Cell M5
Pause here to allow for editing
Click the pause button to restart the macro after editing to do:
Message box that says "Paste code starting from A15"
Select Cell A15
Pause here to allow for editing
Click the pause button to restart the macro after editing to do:
Select all of that sheet
Paste Values
Select Column A
Goto / Special / Constants - Selecting Numbers only
Delete the resulting cells moving rows up
Select Column A
Goto / Special / Blanks
Delete the resulting cells moving rows up
Find the cell whos value equals "XX"
Select the row of that cell all the way down to row 5000
Delete select rows
Type "End Sub" in the active cell
Delete Columns M through Z
Select all of that sheet
Message box that says "Paste copied code in module"
End Sub