Macro button embedded in doc disappears


Lisa Harris

I have documents that were created with a macro assigned
to a button and stored in the document, rather than the These documents are opened from another
application and use macros stored in for DDE
commands that merge data into the documents.

On two workstations, when the document opens, the macro
button disappears. This happens on two pc's out of over
100. The users are local admin on the machines, OS is
Win2k. I had one user log into a different pc and the
macro button displayed properly.

I've attempted to resolve this with the following (none of
which has helped):
- recreated
- deleted all files from temp directory
- replaced vbe.dll file
- renamed the document so it had no spaces in the name
- checked the macro to be sure there were no spaces or
illegal characters in the name
- un/re installed Word (Word 97 SR2 by the way.. please no

I'm at a loss as to what to try next. Both pcs are
relatively new Dell's with 128mb of Ram and at least 4gb
free hard drive space. One of them is scheduled to be
reimaged this week as a test. Any ideas will be


Lisa said:
I have documents that were created with a macro assigned
to a button and stored in the document, rather than the These documents are opened from another
application and use macros stored in for DDE
commands that merge data into the documents.

On two workstations, when the document opens, the macro
button disappears. This happens on two pc's out of over
100. The users are local admin on the machines, OS is
Win2k. I had one user log into a different pc and the
macro button displayed properly.

I've attempted to resolve this with the following (none of
which has helped):
- recreated
- deleted all files from temp directory
- replaced vbe.dll file
- renamed the document so it had no spaces in the name
- checked the macro to be sure there were no spaces or
illegal characters in the name
- un/re installed Word (Word 97 SR2 by the way.. please no

I'm at a loss as to what to try next. Both pcs are
relatively new Dell's with 128mb of Ram and at least 4gb
free hard drive space. One of them is scheduled to be
reimaged this week as a test. Any ideas will be
Hi Lisa,
First thing is that you shouldn't use to store macro code as
there is a good chance of corruption!
Use a new template and store it in words startup folder and that way any
toolbars you assign will be available to your users.

I'm going to assume that your users logon to a server rather than just
workstation only and suggest that you use a login script to check the
versin of the document they have currently installed and see if it
matches with what you expect. This is a good time to have the script
install/update the document. But you should really look at using the
startup folder with a new template as the answer here I think.



Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Lisa,
I have documents that were created with a macro assigned
to a button and stored in the document, rather than the These documents are opened from another
application and use macros stored in for DDE
commands that merge data into the documents.
What kind of button? A toolbar button? On its own or on a
built-in Word toolbar?

Or is it an ActiveX control?

My best guess would be toolbar button on a built-in Word
toolbar. And that this machine has "registered" that button
to be deleted or not visible. Or an Addin on the machine is
overriding the customization with another customization.

Tried starting Word in Safe Mode, then opening the
document? (Use the /a switch in the command line)

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Jun 8 2004)

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