On a Print Report Dialog form, I have an Option Group to print reports. The
user selects which report they want to print. Below the option group, I have
a combo box for Division, then another combo box which filters the Region
based on the Division selected in the previous combo box. Currently, I have
a where condition in the macro, for the report selected, that allows the user
to run all divisions by not selecting anything in the combo boxes. Also in
the condition is the selection of Division then Region. I would like to add
the ability to also run just the division (if no region selected), but I am
not sure how to write the condition.
Action: OpenReport
Report Name: rptActual
View: Print Preview
Where Condition: =IIf([Forms]![frmBackupRptDialog]![cboRegion] Is
Null,"","[Region] = Forms![frmBackupRptDialog]![cboRegion]")
user selects which report they want to print. Below the option group, I have
a combo box for Division, then another combo box which filters the Region
based on the Division selected in the previous combo box. Currently, I have
a where condition in the macro, for the report selected, that allows the user
to run all divisions by not selecting anything in the combo boxes. Also in
the condition is the selection of Division then Region. I would like to add
the ability to also run just the division (if no region selected), but I am
not sure how to write the condition.
Action: OpenReport
Report Name: rptActual
View: Print Preview
Where Condition: =IIf([Forms]![frmBackupRptDialog]![cboRegion] Is
Null,"","[Region] = Forms![frmBackupRptDialog]![cboRegion]")