MACRO - Copy several non contiguous cells. ~90% there...



Need some help here. 90% there?! Any insight would be appreciated.

Goal: To copy several non contiguous cells into the clipboard and paste clipboard into another application with spacing maintained.

Problem: Remove need for input box to set the paste cell location.

Request: Have the same functionality as below without the need to set the location of paste. I need the clipboard data to be intact.

I'm hoping with a little tweaking, this won't be a big hassle for some pro's. Thank you so much.

Option Explicit

Sub CopyMultipleSelection()
Dim SelAreas() As Range
Dim PasteRange As Range
Dim UpperLeft As Range
Dim NumAreas As Integer, i As Integer
Dim TopRow As Long, LeftCol As Integer
Dim RowOffset As Long, ColOffset As Integer
Dim NonEmptyCellCount As Integer

'Sample of the cells I need to copy

' Exit if a range is not selected
If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then
MsgBox "Select the range to be copied. A multiple selection is allowed."
Exit Sub
End If

' Store the areas as separate Range objects
NumAreas = Selection.Areas.Count
ReDim SelAreas(1 To NumAreas)
For i = 1 To NumAreas
Set SelAreas(i) = Selection.Areas(i)

' Determine the upper left cell in the multiple selection
TopRow = ActiveSheet.Rows.Count
LeftCol = ActiveSheet.Columns.Count
For i = 1 To NumAreas
If SelAreas(i).Row < TopRow Then TopRow = SelAreas(i).Row
If SelAreas(i).Column < LeftCol Then LeftCol = SelAreas(i).Column
Set UpperLeft = Cells(TopRow, LeftCol)

' Get the paste address
On Error Resume Next
Set PasteRange = Application.InputBox _
(Prompt:="Specify the upper left cell for the paste range:", _
Title:="Copy Mutliple Selection", _
On Error GoTo 0
' Exit if canceled
If TypeName(PasteRange) <> "Range" Then Exit Sub

' Make sure only the upper left cell is used
Set PasteRange = PasteRange.Range("A1")

' Check paste range for existing data
NonEmptyCellCount = 0
For i = 1 To NumAreas
RowOffset = SelAreas(i).Row - TopRow
ColOffset = SelAreas(i).Column - LeftCol
NonEmptyCellCount = NonEmptyCellCount + _
Application.CountA(Range(PasteRange.Offset(RowOffset, ColOffset), _
PasteRange.Offset(RowOffset + SelAreas(i).Rows.Count - 1, _
ColOffset + SelAreas(i).Columns.Count - 1)))
Next i

' If paste range is not empty, warn user
If NonEmptyCellCount <> 0 Then _
If MsgBox("Overwrite existing data?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, _
"Copy Multiple Selection") <> vbYes Then Exit Sub

' Copy and paste each area
For i = 1 To NumAreas
RowOffset = SelAreas(i).Row - TopRow
ColOffset = SelAreas(i).Column - LeftCol
SelAreas(i).Copy PasteRange.Offset(RowOffset, ColOffset)
Next i
End Sub

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