Hi All,
I have created a macro that i have been using for some time to create a
pivot table.
The macro reads the data from a data tab and creates a pivot table in
another tab.
Ive never encountered this problem until today and its because i specify the
order of the column field and ive hit for the the first time when there are
no matches.
For example, I have a column in my data tab that contains an aging bucket
(0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61 - 90 days etc up to 365+ days).
Because when the pivot table is created my macro does not order these in the
correct sequence in the column area of the Pivot - i.e. it shows them as 0-30
days, then 120-150 days, then 365+ days then 31-60 days etc. I added a macro
statement to order these in the correct order, however when my macro reaches
the following statement, it bugs out:
'ActiveSheet.PivotTables("AgedUSD").PivotFields("Agings").PivotItems( _
"271 - 365 Days").Position = 8
The reason is that there are no items in the data tab that have an age
bucket of 271-365 days and thus it cant build a column.
Basically i need the statement to say if there are no matches skip, if not
order them as requested.
Please help - im totally stuck.
NB - i 'remmed out this statement and ran the macro which worked.
I have created a macro that i have been using for some time to create a
pivot table.
The macro reads the data from a data tab and creates a pivot table in
another tab.
Ive never encountered this problem until today and its because i specify the
order of the column field and ive hit for the the first time when there are
no matches.
For example, I have a column in my data tab that contains an aging bucket
(0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61 - 90 days etc up to 365+ days).
Because when the pivot table is created my macro does not order these in the
correct sequence in the column area of the Pivot - i.e. it shows them as 0-30
days, then 120-150 days, then 365+ days then 31-60 days etc. I added a macro
statement to order these in the correct order, however when my macro reaches
the following statement, it bugs out:
'ActiveSheet.PivotTables("AgedUSD").PivotFields("Agings").PivotItems( _
"271 - 365 Days").Position = 8
The reason is that there are no items in the data tab that have an age
bucket of 271-365 days and thus it cant build a column.
Basically i need the statement to say if there are no matches skip, if not
order them as requested.
Please help - im totally stuck.
NB - i 'remmed out this statement and ran the macro which worked.